By Natasha Ponda
In her latest exhibition, at Adele Campbell Fine Art in Whistler, artist Samantha Williams-Chapelsky shows a stunning collection of semi-abstract paintings.
With West Coast Wanderings, the painter’s lush impressionistic interpretations of BC landscapes create new visions of the land, water, and sky that locals know well. Throughout each canvas, swirls of animated colour and thick brush strokes join to create an impressive level of abstraction while still conveying the beauty of the view.

To create the 12 original works for the exhibition, Williams-Chapelsky travelled into the interior of British Columbia, producing these paintings en plain air, (painting outdoors), as a way to capture all the various moments of the changing landscapes. I produce large-scale abstracted landscapes with a focus on the materiality of the paint to allude to emotion and feeling within the natural space,” Williams-Chapelsky says of her process.
Combining that sense of emotion with a unique perspective gives her the freedom to play a little with her expression. The bold palate combinations and assertive weight of her brush reveal a surprising amount of personality you might not expect from nature-scapes.
Be sure to make West Coast Wanderings a part of your trip to Whistler if you plan to visit. While it’s a relatively short run, taking in the sprawling views on the way up and then seeing similar scenes combined with a new lavish sense of emotion is well worth making the time for.
West Coast Wanderings runs from June 30 to July 9, 2023
For more information, visit

Adele Campbell Fine Art: There are several shuttles you can take to Whistler from Vancouver. For instance, there is one that leaves from the River Rock Casino in Richmond, which you can get to by taking the Canada Line train to Bridgeport Station.
To easily plan the route for your next artistic outing, you can use the TransLink Trip Planner.