An extraordinary duet art show, "Breach," featuring the remarkable talents of Nick Rooney and John F. Ross, is on the horizon!
Artist Reception: October 19th, 6-9pm on the one-year anniversary of
Event Details
An extraordinary duet art show, “Breach,” featuring the remarkable talents of Nick Rooney and John F. Ross, is on the horizon!
Artist Reception: October 19th, 6-9pm on the one-year anniversary of our grand opening here at Ashdale Gallery!
Pre-Event Artist Talk: October 19th, 3pm – 4pm
Show: October 19th – 31st
Nick Rooney will mesmerize you with his masterful fusion of classical realism and minimalist geometric shapes, encouraging us to reconsider the significance of the objects and wildlife that surround us.
John F. Ross, drawing from the tales of childhood, invites you into a world of wildness and wonder, where the vivid imagination and stories from children’s books leap to life.
RSVP is highly recommended – this is an event you won’t want to miss!