One of our favourite stops for local art in Langley is Kube Gallery. Whether you’re looking for contemporary abstracts, or more traditional landscape pieces, you’ll find something that suits your taste from an impressive roster of Lower Mainland artists. We recently met owner/curator Mila Kostic to take a tour through a handful of canvases available in the Fort Langley locale.
Foo’s HoHo by Jeff Wilson

“Jeff’s painting collections have been exhibited widely in public galleries in BC, Alberta and WA State. Recipient of many accolades and awards,
Recipient of numerous awards and accolades, Jeff’s pieces have earned him recognition from Saltspring National Art Prize, Vancouver Foundation, and a feature on the show, Landscape Artist of the Year Canada. This painting is of a sign is from a famous Chinese Restaurant located in Chinatown Vancouver. It’s closed now, but the daughter of the former owner recently relaunched the business in its original location.”
Home by Mila Kostic

As the artist of this piece herself, Mila shares her original statement for the painting:
“Our everyday life is a compound of private, social and political events. Some of these are significant events in which leave an everlasting impression on us as a society. Consciously and subconsciously, we draw inspiration from those events and channel them into various aspects of our lives. I chose to carry the same idea fragment into my art and decided on the division of space in two parts, using the landscape- shape as a motif and metaphor, stretching it in every direction imaginable. Each canvas tells a story…my personal representation of relationships, dreams, hope, struggle, balance and harmony.
My language is paint and canvas. I create words on canvas and then combine and shape my sentences by brush. As much as I want to be in control of the making process, at various points, the piece develops a life of its own. I never know what I am getting to get. Each painting is a surprise.”
Aliens are Coming by Jean Duguay

Artist statement:
“My work is a form of abstraction, but it has forms and a structure; it’s a combination of chaos and order. I started painting and drawing at an early age; my work has the same roots and has simply evolved over time.”
West Coast Summer by Leanne M. Christie

Artist statement:
Christie’s paintings are at first understood by the viewer whose participation is then demanded by her relentless harnessing of the communicative properties unique to oil painting. The distilled open relationship between the painter and the slow-drying oil painting is the unique characteristic of the medium that Christie burrows into to activate the complexity developed through the alchemy of passive and active time.
A Day in the Life by Ken Nash

Artist Statement:
“I paint using acrylics on canvas and wood to capture the photo-realistic truth of what I see. I create representational work that is photo-derived but with as many changes that reflect what I want to present to the viewer. Along the way, I have studied and been influenced by Coleville and Bateman and some of the great Russian landscape artists Shishkin and Levitan. My approach of creating detailed, photo-realistic work gives me the satisfaction of crafting something unique.”
Kube Gallery
23295 Mavis Ave, Langley Twp (Fort Langley)

By Transit: From Lougheed Town Centre, take the #555 Port Mann Exp/To Carvolth Exchange bus to Carvolth Exchange, then hop on the #562 Langley Centre via TWU bus right to Fort langley!